Artificial Intelligence Architecture, Control and Ethics by Michael E. Clay
Top Models

ChatGPT (Open AI) - Text based learning system.

Siri (Apple) - A virtual assistant for Apple devices

Alexa (Amazon) - A virtual assistant for Amazon devices

Google Assistant - A virtual assistant for Google devices

Cortana (Microsoft) - A virtual assistant for Microsoft devices

Watson (IBM) - A natural language processing AI system used for a wide range of applications, including customer service, healthcare, and financial services.

TensorFlow (Google) - An open-source software library for machine learning and deep learning

PyTorch (Facebook) - An open-source machine learning library

Caffe (Berkeley AI Research) - A deep learning framework used for image classification and other computer vision tasks

Theano (Université de Montréal) - A numerical computation library for efficient and scalable machine learning

Keras (François Chollet) - An open-source software library for building and training neural networks.

Palantir (Palantir Technologies) - Government contracted deep Data Mining and Extraction.

R.O.S.E. (unu2 multimedia) - Warehouse, product and customer service.

